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GstarCAD 2023 is greatly optimized in performance by supporting Multi-Core and Parallel processing. 

The user experience and compatibility are also improved with many practical improvements and over 12 new features, such as supporting the NAVICUBE, Lisp Debugger, Digital Signature and VPSYNC, as well as compatibility with ObjectARX APIs, improving the display of Palettes, and providing two more valuable tools in the Block Editor, etc.





GstarCAD constantly improves its compatibility in all aspects and accomplishes high compatibility with ACAD. The seamless data format, familiar interface, command structure and user operating habit,

ease of use customization settings and applications/add-ons are all ready for you in GstarCAD 2023.




Higher performance plays an essential role in GstarCAD.

The performance of common-use operations like “OPEN”, “QSAVE”, “PLOT”, “CLIP”, “TRIM”, “PASTE”, “MOVE”, “DYNAMIC SELECTION”, and more commands are significantly faster than other CAD software.




 GstarCAD offers over 100 unique and innovative tools like “Collaboration”, “Area Table”, “Auto Layer”, “Viewport to Layout”, and “Autoxlstable”. They are adopted to speed up your drafting speed significantly.




 GstarCAD licensing policy is flexible and straightforward. We provide both perpetual licenses and subscriptions. You are free to choose the license mode, and you decide when to upgrade.



GstarCAD 2023 supports Multi-Core, which makes the performance significantly optimized. 

As a result, the speed of opening drawings increases by almost 100%, and the operation process is much smoother.​

ObjectARX API 

GstarCAD 2023 GRX is compatible with AutoCAD ObjectARX 2020 APIs, programs can be successfully compiled, loaded and used without editing code, which saves a lot of time in migrating applications developed with AutoCAD ObjectARX. Also, the APIs are not going to be changed in the next several years, so the applications only need to be migrated once.


Block Editor

In GstarCAD 2023, BAUTHORPALETTE and BTABLE features are added to enhance the compatibility of the block editor. However, both of them are available only in the block editor.


 The BAUTHORPALETTE command opens the Block Authoring Palettes window in the Block Editor, which we can use to add parameters and actions to your dynamic block definition. The Parameters tab, 
Actions tab and Parameter Sets tab are in the Block Authoring Palettes window by default.




 The BTABLE command stores variations of a dynamic block in the Block Properties Table that includes properties such as legacy parameters and user parameters. Each row in the table defines a different variation of the dynamic block.